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Crime & Investigation Network’s extensive portfolio includes more than 6 shows, spanning the years from 2015 to 2020. As of January 2025, we’ve curated over 6 of Crime & Investigation Network’s premier shows for your viewing pleasure. Premiering in 2015 and 2017, Killer Medics On Death Row and Britain's Biggest Armed Robbery are among Crime & Investigation Network’s most celebrated shows.
Cruise Ship Killers is a true crime series that tells the stories of people who never returned home after taking a holiday on a cruise ship, featuring interviews with family, friends, investigators and experts.
British true crime documentary series using powerful and emotional testimony from families and friends when a missing persons enquiry turns into a murder investigation.
Emergency first responders from across the United States respond to a wide variety of situations from car accidents to structure fires, medical emergencies and more.
Responsible for people’s lives and welfare on a daily basis doctors and nurses are sworn to protect and look after their patients. This series explores the dark and sinister motives behind the doctors who abuse the trust put in them and instead of using medicine to heal their patients; they used their powers to murder unsuspecting victims. We examine the cases of doctors and nurses who have been convicted for terrible crimes.
A step by step journey through some of Britain’s most infamous robberies. Each episode explores what happened across a selection of Britain’s biggest heists and asks the crucial question: 'could they have really pulled it off and escaped with the cash?'